Lafayette Park Gardens Report
On April 21, St. Louis University provided volunteers to Lafayette Park as part of their “Showers of Service” program. Two groups of students worked in the park. Matt Negri’s LSRC group worked in the Park House gardens and removed stumps near the mid-Lafayette gate.
The Lafayette Park Conservancy’s group of 15 students divided their time to work in the Grotto, Washington Monument, and Rock gardens. Bags and bags of sweet gum balls were removed, last year’s decorative grasses cut back and cannas planted at the Rock Garden. The circle gardens around Washington were mulched as well as nearby young trees. Grotto flowerbeds and paths were cleared of leaves and weeds before mulching. Thanks to these St. Louis University students, Lafayette Park gardens are ready for spring planting. Thanks also to Vickie Houghton, Mark Kalk, Marilyn Lane, Sue Pinker-Dodd and Carolyn Willmore, the lead gardeners who work the whole growing season planting and maintaining these gardens.
Four Lafayette Square Master Gardeners spent Thursday mornings at the Forest Park Greenhouse this winter growing plants for Lafayette Park. Flats of plants were carpooled to the park in early May.
Volunteer help wanted. No experience needed. Will train.
The Lafayette Park Conservancy is looking for volunteer gardeners to work in the Grotto, Rock Garden, and Washington Statue area. Usual workdays are Thursday and Saturday mornings. Due to surgery and a pending move, we are also looking for lead gardeners. Call Carolyn at 314-664-0106 for more information. Workdays are announced on NextDoor.