Latest Development Happenings in the Square
By Phil Lamczyk & Suzanne Sessions, LSRC Development Committee
New Residential Construction
- Support of a front addition to the residence of 1609 Missouri
Other Development News
- Development Committee is overhauling changing to our existing Standards for Design and Construction. This effort began in November 2017 and is in the finalization stages with release to the public this month.
Our Codes
A reminder to all residents owning a house in Lafayette Square that you live in a historic district governed by a city ordinance specific to Lafayette Square. These ordinances are law and any exterior property improvements or existing feature, regardless of it being on the front, back, side and/or on the roof, must abide by these district codes, which are available at the city’s Cultural Resource Office (CRO). This is true regardless if it is within public view and regardless if you are a business, non-profit or residential property owner.
Common features such as bird baths, fountains and free standing mailboxes are prohibited in public yard view.
Our own Lafayette Square ordinance is available here. Look under ‘Ordinances and Standards’ and you will see one for Lafayette Square.
Residents can report code violations to members of the Development committee or file a complaint on the Citizen’s Service Bureau website here.
The Development Committee is here to help you on your quest to maintain your property to our historic codes. Contact Suzanne Sessions at suzanne.sessions.inc@gmail.com and/or Philip Lamczyk at Philip.lamczyk@att.net.