I truly can’t wait to see all your decorations around the neighborhood!
I don’t decorate for the holidays. There. I said it.
I know it’s the most wonderful time of the year and it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and all, but when it comes to my own decorations, I’m admittedly kind of a Scrooge.
Let’s get a few things out of the way first:
1. I love the holidays.
2. I love going to look at lights that someone else put up.
3. Holiday decor does make me feel all warm & fuzzy & cherry on the inside.
4. Yes my mother used to decorate and I don’t have some deep seated family trauma on this topic. (Mom if you read this, you did great).
Ok, now that you know that, I do wish I was one of those people who was hauling the decor out before Thanksgiving, giddy with joy at the sheer thought of unboxing all of last year’s packed away treasures and rediscovering all the shiny ornaments, lights, the tree and its trimmings, and all the Santa-themed knick knacks. But I’m not.
It’s just all too much: the boxing and unboxing, the checking for broken lights, the mess all the discarded trimming makes. Does this make me the biggest Scrooge of all the Scrooges?! If I’m being honest, it’s really rooted in the sheer, unbound, full-of-its-always-bound-to-happen awareness that when everything gets taken down in January, it’s depressing. The quiet. The dark. It’s the post holiday lull I dread every year.
So for the next several weeks, I plan on leaving all of my holiday boxes packed in the basement and using the extra time I have by not decorating to enjoy everyone else’s decor and share in my friends’ and family’s excitement as we head into the season of lights. And there is plenty to see – especially in and around Lafayette Square! Here are some of my favorites:
- Light Up The Square – Dec. 4 4:30 – 6:30
- Brewery Holiday Lights – Starting Nov. 26
- Wonderlights at Worldwide Technology Race Track – now through Jan. 9, 2022.
Or if these aren’t for you, there’s no shortage of lights to see, and there’s something for everyone.
So happy season of lights and dancing Santas and discard garland shreds – I truly can’t wait to see all your decorations around the neighborhood!