What's Happening in The Square

Public Calendar
We know everyone misses events. And Lafayette Square is always a year-round favorite for every kind of event from concerts, movie nights in the park, Halloween parades, and of course our popular House Tours. In "normal" years The Square rarely rests.
Right now we're making sure that live events can meet all the best-practices for safety including masks and social distancing.
AND we're cooking up some dynamic opportunities for you to be part of the experience in The Square online through virtual events. Keep checking this space for more!

Holiday Parlor Tour and Holiday Market

Light Up the Square + Pet Parade
Join us on Saturday December 7th, 2024 for a day full of holiday festivities.

Masquerade Ball 2024
Friday October 18th 2024. Join us for this fun night of dancing, drinks, food, and fun!

Submit an Event
We’d love to hear the ideas for The Square. Whether big or small, we’re always looking for new opportunities for socializing and engagement.